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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 8, 2021

What is Internet of things? Everything you need to know about the Internet of Things

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As mentioned in previous articles, we all know the importance of electronic technology for today's modern world. This article will dive into the Internet of Things and what it has brought to our lives. What is the Internet of Things? To understand the Internet of things, we must understand what the Internet is. The Internet, also known as the network, is an essential part of people's daily lives around the world today. It is a global information system and a community of interconnected computers based on an internationally standardized internetworking protocol. To know more about the importance of the Internet. Please click on this link: Internet DataReportal . From above, the Internet of things can be understood as physical devices worldwide that are now connected to the Internet to collect and share data. What are some examples of Internet of things devices? Many physical devices can be converted into Internet of things devices if they can be connected to the Internet and con...

Mobile Marketing

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As mentioned in previous topics, today's information technology is increasingly developing, which has led to the trend of digital marketing changing more rapidly. In the following article, we will discuss mobile marketing and some helpful information related to it. What is mobile marketing? We can understand that mobile marketing is our advertisements or marketing messages displayed on mobile devices, tablets, smartphones, and more. Mobile Marketing uses content, images, or videos containing messages transmitted through smart mobile devices for marketing purposes. Because mobile marketing has many methods of displaying in different ways, it will be suitable for each device, audience, and customer needs. From there, product information is brought directly to customers and conveys the complete content. Not only that, with the development of many smartphone lines, its transmission capacity is growing more and more. Why is mobile marketing the current trend? Source: Statista According ...